MINMIDT: Mines, Industry, Technology

Frenchfr-FREnglish (UK)



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biography of SETAT


setat minmidt portrait

  1. Personal Information


Name and surname:         Dr. FUH CALISTUS GENTRY 


Date and place of birth:    4th May 1963 at MISAJE  


                                     (Donga Mantung Division-North West Region)


Qualification:                     PhD in Mining Exploration                                                                          


Nationality:                   Cameroonian


Present Function


Secretary of State, Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development- (Presently CPDM Parliamentarian since August 2007) 


  1. Academic Profile




Certificate obtained



CCAST Bambili


National Award in Biology and Geology


University of Yaoundé

BSC. Degree in Natural Sciences



University of Yaoundé  

Maitrise in Earth Sciences

Very Good


University of London

Masters Degree in Mining Exploration



University of London

PhD in Mining Exploration





  1. Professional Experience


  • 1987: Attached to the services of BRGM (Office of Geology and  


Mining Research) France in the East Province on the MBORGUENE Colomines gold project where Laboratory tests were carried out in Orleans.


  • 1988: Attached to the services of the Uranium Research Centre in France CREGU Nancy.
  • 1998: Consultant at Cluff Ressources London.
  • 1991: Exploration Manager Cluff resources with principal responsibility being, the promotion of this Company in Francophone countries of West Africa notably Mali, Burkina-Faso, Ivory Coast and Cameroon.
  • 1993: Exploration Manager for Geo-Data services working in West Africa notably on projects in Ghana, Burkina-Faso, Zimbabwe and Ivory Coast in collaboration with Australian and Canadian Companies.
  • 1994: Country Representative of Ghana for IAMGOLD Ghana Corporation in Canada (presently in partnership with Anglo-American of South Africa) for the gold project in Sadiola, Mali.
  • 1997: Director of Mines Company MEDAF, a mining company based in Switzeland with mining operations in West Africa.
  • 1998: National Director of SAITEK RESOURCES LTD (Ghana).
  • 1999 till present: General Manager of SAITEK GENIE Cameroon.
  • 2003-2007: Lecturer at the University of Buea (Temporal).
  • 2007: Secretary of State in the Ministry of Mines, Industry and Technological Development.


Government Missions Abroad


  • Mission to Vienna (head of Delegation ONUDI) December 2007.
  • Mission to South Africa (head of Delegation) with a group of business men and the chiefs of banking institutions for the INDABA 2008 Forum.
  • Mission to BRGM in Orleans, France (head of delegation) for the repatriation of geologic data belonging to Cameroon.
  • Mission to Cape Town, South Africa (head of delegation) for mining promotion (INDABA) 2009.
  • Mission to Moscow (head of delegation) with a group of business men for mining and commercial promotion 2009.
  • Mission to Vienna (head of delegation) for the participation of Cameroon in the ONUDI conference, December 2009.
  • Mission to Germany (head of delegation) with a group of business men and an Inter-ministerial Committee, December 2009.
  • Mission to the United States lead by the Prime Minister with business men and other members of the Government, 2010.
  • Mission to England (London) led by the Prime Minister 2010.
  • Mission to Canada (head of delegation) with a group of business men for mining and commercial promotion PDAC, 2010.
  • Mission to South Korea (head of delegation) in which a donation of 8 million dollars was negotiated for the financing of the National Laboratory for geologic analysis in Cameroon, October 2010.
  • Mission to South Africa (head of delegation) for mining and commercial promotion PDAC, 2012.
  • Mission to Canada (Head of delegation) for mining and commercial promotion PDAC, 2013 
  • Mission to London (Head of delegation) for Africa Mining on Top : London Summit, 24 - 26 June 2013.


Political Carrier 


  • 1988: Member of the Executive Bureau of CPDM South of England  


         section,  London.


  • 2001: Resource person of CPDM for the Municipal and Legislative elections  


         of October 2002 for the Donga Mantung (Misaje Sub Division,


         Donga  Mantung IV section).


  • 2004: Vice President of the campaign team for the Presidential elections  


           for Donga Mantung Division.


  • 2004: The President of the Presidential elections for the Misaje Sub Division.
  • 2007: Committee member of the Divisional and Sub Divisional for  


         the  Legislative and Municipal elections of 2007.


  • August 2007: Elected Parliamentarian for the special constituency of  


                     Ako  and Misaje.


  • September 2007: Appointed Secretary of State in the Ministry of Mines,


                            Industry and Technological Development. 


  1. Other Skills


  • Membership of professional bodies FGS: Fellow of the Geological Society of London.
  • MIMM: Member of the institution of mining and Metallurgy. 




English: Write and speak fluently


French: Write and speak 


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