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Last Turkish Ambassador’s Visit : Omer Faruk Dogan says ‘Bye’ to Minister of Mines
In the evening of Friday September 11th, 2015 the Turkish Ambassador visited the Minister of Mines, Industry and Technological Development to bid farewell as the former had come to the end of his mission. In his speech, His Excellency Omer Faruk Dogan appreciated the Minister’s warm reception of him and added that this is characteristic of Cameroonians in all the places he visited within the three years and a few months of his mission in Cameroon. He commented that truly Cameroon was Africa in miniature and equally appreciated the communal effort of Cameroonians to fight the terrorist sect Boko Haram. He said that Turkey will continue to give technological and skill assistance to Cameroon so that she can attain her emergence by 2035. For the Minister, the Ambassador’s mission helped Cameroon to better appreciate that Turkey’s relations with Cameroon had opened many doors of opportunities especially the Turkish airlines. The meeting lasted twenty minutes, the Minister thanked him for all accomplished works and the two dignitaries exchanged gifts.
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